Unifor 2003e


Upon becoming a new member of Unifor Local 2003E, you should first speak with your Steward at your workplace, fill out an application for a Union membership card and ask for a copy of your Union collective agreement.


If or when you are elected to a Union Steward, call your Union Local office to get information about Steward School. If you are interested with getting involved in a committee or participating at your Local, get in contact with the Union office.


Should you be interested in being more informed about the inner workings of your Union, please call your Local Union office and we will ensure you are put on an email list to receive current labour information on a regular basis.


If you move or change mailing addresses, phone numbers or email addresses, please inform your Local. Your contact information is kept to ensure you are kept up to date with any and all important matters at Unifor Local 2003e.