Unifor 2003e

Glossary of Terms

Below you will find a listing of terms to assist you in better understanding content on our Labour Union site.


Simply put, a book of rules that both the Union and management must follow, enforceable by an arbitrator, anything can be bargained into a C/A. An agreement in writing between an employer and the union representing the employees which contains provisions respecting conditions of employment, rates of pay, hours of work and the rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement. Ordinarily the agreement is for a definite period such as one, two, or three years, usually not less than twelve months.


A dispute resolution process that is legally binding: disputing parties agree in advance to be bound by the arbitrator’s decision. The arbitrator acts as a private judge in a closed and private court. The arbitrator’s final decision is based on the evidence and testimony of all parties provided at a hearing convened by the arbitrator.


Unifor Union of Canada, the new Union created by the merger of CEP and CAW.


A group of employees represented by a union, which is considered appropriate for collective bargaining under the terms of the Labour Code. It might be multiple groups within a single company.


A statement of dissatisfaction usually by an individual but sometimes by the union or management, concerning interpretation of a collective bargaining agreement or traditional work practices. The grievance machinery (i.e., the method of dealing with individual grievances) is nearly always spelled out in the contract. If a grievance cannot be handled at the shop level (where most of them are settled), and the grievance arises out of the interpretation of the collective agreement, it can be resolved by arbitration.


Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.


In our case, a group of volunteer Union members who are elected at a Local convention by delegate members to run the Union Local, Unifor Local 2003E.