We have compiled the most frequently asked questions our members generally have, however we may have left some out! If you find that your question remains unanswered, please feel free either call or email us between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM for an immediate response.
A: First go and speak with your Steward(s) in your workplace. The Steward will review your Unifor Union collective agreement with you and help you determine if the company has violated the agreement.
A: Speak with your Steward and they will help you understand the grievance procedure in your Unifor Union collective agreement. If required, the Steward can assist you in filing a grievance.
A: The position of a Steward is elected by all the members at your workplace. We would suggest speaking to the existing Steward and the members to get a feel for what is required. You could contact the Local Union office or your National Representative for more information as well. If you intend to run for the position, another member at your workplace must nominate you for the position during elections which are usually held just before or just after the bargaining of your collective agreement.
A: Call your Unifor Local Union office and speak with the Business Manager.
A:Unifor Local 2003E posts their forms on this website so that you can download them or just print them. Visit the Documents and Forms page (In the Members Section) to access them, or call the Unifor Local Union office and speak with the Executive Assistant and we will email, fax, or mail them to you.
A: Most Union collective agreements provide language that requires the Company to provide you with a copy but you should talk to your Steward first. Other options would be to check the Unifor Local 2003E Union website, on the Collective Agreements Page (In the Members Section) and see if a copy is online or you can call your Unifor Local 2003E office and speak with the Executive Assistant and we will email, fax, or mail a copy to you.
A: Call your UniforLocal Union office and speak with either the Executive Assistant or the Business Manager. Or downlaod a copy of the Fund rules
A: The job list is a local creation for Stationary engineers to help put engineers into available jobs.
A: Call your Unifor Local 2003E Local Union office.
A: Call your UniforLocal Union office and speak with the Business Manager.
A: Call the Unifor Local Union office and speak with either the Administrative or Executive Assistant